7:58 AM

Hi everyone!
I know it's been forever since my last post, But I'm back now!
Hopefully for good ya^^

So this time I will talk about Catrice HD Liquid Coverage Foundation in the shade 030 Sand Beige.
Let's start!

Hayo ngaku siapa disini yang belum pernah coba produknya Catrice Cosmetics?
Sampai saat ini aku udah lumayan banyak coba produknya Catrice Cosmetics, mulai dari primer, foundation, bronzer, blush, lipstick, eyeshadow, sampai eyebrow produknya udah aku coba. So far, this foundation is one of my favorite product from Catrice Cosmetics^^


Name : Catrice HD Liquid Coverage Foundation

Shade : 030 Sand Beige

Net Weight : 30 ml

Bought at : Guardian

Price : IDR 120K


This Catrice HD Liquid Coverage Foundation came in frosted glass packaging with dropper. I personally LOVE the packaging karena kelihatan mahal, padahal foundation ini harganya super affordable.

Aku pilih shade 030 Sand Beige ini karena undertonenya yellow dan nggak pink. It is a match for my slightly yellowish undertones.

Oh iya, packaging Foundation ini juga terasa kokoh banget sih. It have a good weight and doesn't feel cheap at all.

You can find all the information about the foundation on all around the bottle packaging. The are alsolist of the ingredients in the back. Well, you know me, I don't really expert about the ingredients. All I know is this foundation does not break me out^^

Here here the dropper of the foundation, so fancy isn't it. Now you can do that Instagram makeup video by applying the foundation directly to your face using the dropper. Lol~

As for the formula, it is so watery and light weight. It is also blends easily on to the face. My fave way to apply it is by using dense foundation brush. With sponge, I found it absorb the product more. Hence, I always need much more product when I apply it using sponge.

Ini adalah swatchnya di tangan aku, Finish dari foundation ini nggak terlalu dewy dan matte. I think it is satin finish. For me, I always set my foundation with powder no matter what its finish would be.

Ketahanan foundation ini menurutku sangat baik sih. Di kulitku yang kombinasi, foundation ini tahan dipakai dari pagi sampai sore hari. Primer yang aku pakai biasanya adalah primernya Catrice, LA Girl, atau Wet N Wild.


That's all my tought about this Catrice HD Liquid Coverage Foundation. Overall, I love this product so much. It feels so light weight on the skin and stay for a long time. I mean, I don't like foundation yang berasa banget berat dikulit karena nggak nyaman buat dipakai seharian. Down side foundation ini adalah shade range-nya yang super terbatas. They only have four shade, dan menurutku shadenya semuanya buat fair-light skin gitu. So, if you have darker skin but really want to try this foundation, you probably need darker foundation to mix it with^^

Have you try this foundation, guys?
Let me know your tought in the comments!

Thank you for reading and have a nice weekend!
XOXO - Chacha^^

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